Zapier is a no-code tool that moves your info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
A brief overview of Zapier
Zapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between two or more apps—no code necessary. When an event happens in one app, it can tell another app to perform (or do) a particular action. You can automate (1) Tasks you have to do frequently (2) Anything where you have to move information from one app to another, and (3) Tasks that don't require much thinking. Zapier is a platform that is very convenient to use and customize. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration.
Reasons to consider Zapier in your no-code stack
- Easily build automations with thousands of apps, literally.
- Easier to use than all other tools like Integromat, etc. Also, more integrations than any other tool out there.
- Run automations on triggers. Explore popular ways to use Zapier.
What can you accomplish with Zapier?
- Automations that connect different apps together. Explore 3000+ apps that work with Zapier.
- “In my first 5 years, we shipped about 10,000 capes. Because of Zapier, we've shipped over 10,000 capes this year alone.” Robyn Rosenberger, Founder, TinySuperheroes.
- It saves a lot of time. "If I had to do all those tasks manually, it would take me several hours per week." Vanessa Prothe, founder of Speak English with Vanessa.
Top features of Zapier
- Zaps connect the apps you use every day
- Integration with more than 3,000 apps
- Do-it-yourself editor. Set up Zaps without developer help
- Multi-step Zaps, Webhooks connections, Custom logic paths, etc.
Pricing plans
- Free: $0 (50 tasks/month)
- Starter: $19.99 per month (750 tasks/month)
- Professional: $49 per month (2,000 tasks/month)
- Team: $299 per month (50,000 tasks/month)
- Company: $599 per month (100,000 tasks/month)
Learning resources
A few tweets about Zapier from real users
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