What is Quota Attainment? – Formula and Ways to Improve Quota Attainment [With Examples]

What is quota attainment?

Quota attainment is a metric that measures how much sales goal your sales team has achieved in a particular period, monthly, quarterly, or annually. It is used to measure whether or not you've achieved your sales quota.

Sales quota is the target set for your sales team to achieve within a specific time period.

How to calculate quota attainment?

To calculate quota attainment, divide the ‘actual sales’ your team has achieved by the ‘amount of sales quota’ and multiply by 100. Consider the figures of a particular time period, like a month, quarter, or annual.

Formula for calculating quota attainment

Quota Attainment formula
Quota Attainment Formula

Real-life example of quota attainment

Let’s assume you’re an eCommerce business. You set a quarterly sales quota of $100,000 but you sold products worth $80,000.

Then, your quota attainment will be: 80,000/100,000 x 100 = 80%

This means, your sales team has achieved 80% of the sales quota which you had specified for them. 

What’s an average quota attainment? (benchmark)

There’s no set benchmark for quota attainment metric. However, the average quota attainment is 58% across various industries. As a matter of fact, only 24.3% of salespeople actually exceeded their quota in 2021.

A study also found that enterprises using automated technology to map their territories can see up to 30% higher sales quota attainment.

The higher your sales quota attainment, the better, meaning your sales team is effective in achieving the targets.

Ways to improve your quota attainment

  • Keep generating leads: The first step to attaining your quota is to have enough leads in your pipeline. To keep the sales pipeline full, companies should focus their efforts on both – lead generation and prospecting.
  • Invest in your team’s training: Once you’ve qualified leads in your pipeline, the next step is to make them your paying customers. You need to shift your focus to honing your sales reps’ selling and closing techniques. Read this guide on: 7 Closing Techniques & Why They Work
  • Set realistic quotas: A sales quota is tied to both – company’s revenue and the sales rep’s motivation. You need to set realistic quotas that genuinely motivate sales reps and improve the company’s revenue. As a matter of fact, only 24.3% of salespeople actually exceeded their quota in 2021.

Also Read: Related Metrics

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